Preparation of Yearly Reports According to the Environmental Pollutant Registry Law (PRTR)
The need for preparing yearly reports stems from the environmental pollutant registry law, 2012, which stated that starting from June 2013, factories and other organizations in Israel must report yearly about their emissions and transfers (meaning any removal of pollutants or waste outside the factory, including wastewater) that result from their activities. The law mentions 114 materials, divided by emission destinations; air, water, sea or soil. In addition, the law mandates reporting the amount of waste, wastewater, energy and water consumption.
Who must report?
Definition of reporting factory
The yearly report is performed by a civil engineer and includes the following stages:
• Determining the sources of air emissions at the factory and the pollutants emitted.
• Calculating the amounts of air, wastewater, water and soil emissions according to the most proficient methods and the requirements of the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
• Comparing the amount of pollutant emitted/transferred with the threshold amount for reporting.
• Filling out the reported data in the Ministry of Environment Protection system.
Relevant documents:
• Environmental protection law 2012-
• Download the full PRTR file from the Ministry of Environmental Protection website-